躲避零售業崩盤策略:Hudson’s Bay將退市
為了安撫股東,薩克斯第五大道精品百貨店的母公司、加拿大企業Hudson’s Bay Co.從削減成本到剝離資產,將所有方法都試了個遍,但沒有任何辦法能阻止該公司股價急劇下挫。因此,董事長理查德·貝克爾打算拿出約13.1億美元的現金讓這家公司退市。貝克爾同Rhone Capital LLC、WeWor...
Silver lining at the N.Y. Auto Show
The buzz is that the White House wants to adopt a single national fuel economy standard, which would help both automakers and customers.By Alex Taylor...
塔吉特增加了在哈德遜灣公司(加拿大連鎖超市)銷售的童裝品牌Cat & Jack的種類。圖片來源:ELIJAH NOUVELAGE/BLOOMBERG—GETTY IMAGES來自明尼蘇達州的塔吉特(Target)正在繼續采用其熟悉的自營品牌策略,該策略為公司創造了300億美元年銷售額。但現在,他開始...
插圖來源:SAM PEET鑒于新冠肺炎疫情把上有老下有小的員工逼到了崩潰邊緣,哪些雇主在為女性開拓發展空間方面表現突出?為了評出100家最佳女性職場,《財富》雜志的調研合作伙伴卓越職場研究所(Great Place to Work)分析了來自全美數百萬份調查問卷,以評估哪些公司對女性最為呵護。“那時...
Business as usual for Moody's and S&P
Ratings agencies played a substantial role in the market meltdown -- and real reform is a long ways off.By Colin BarrWhat to do with Wall Street's glu...
Fastest S&P doubles
It took the S&P 500 712 days to double off its March 6, 2009, low. That, as noted earlier, is the fastest double on record.The previous fastest double...
S&P downgrades Ireland
Standard & Poor's cut Ireland's sovereign debt rating by a notch to double-A-minus, citing the massive cost of patching up the hemorrhaging Irish bank...
巾幗英豪在威廉姆斯·索諾瑪公司的首席執行官任上,勞拉·阿爾伯已經度過了13個春秋,比《財富》美國500強企業的首席執行官的平均任期都要長——女性首席執行官的平均任期為四年,男性為七年。圖片來源:WINNI WINTERMEYER勞拉·阿爾伯(Laura Alber)深愛威廉姆斯·索諾瑪公司(Will...
S&P's commercial real estate revolt
Blistered by congressional wrath over the housing bubble, the ratings agency now has the financial industry fuming over an 'arbitrary' downgrade plan....